In a Process Champions Implementation Visit, select faculty and administrators receive additional instruction that prepare them to assist and support their peers in the implementation of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® (CKH) Process.
Reinforcing the Power of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts Process
Designed to be the beginning of a multi-year, transformational process, Capturing Kids’ Hearts® 1 Training (CKH-1) is a two-day, immersive, participatory experience that gives teachers, staff, and administrators the skills they need to achieve success in today’s classrooms. Because this training presents so many transformational ideas and techniques, we encourage schools to reinforce these methods through Process Champions. A Process Champions Implementation Visit is designed to equip teachers and administrators to act as mentors to colleagues following a CKH-1.
Teachers Face a Formidable Challenge
Teachers face a formidable challenge: they must raise the bar on student performance while competing against social, environmental, and outside pressures as never before. While researchers and district personnel work to determine the most effective curricula, teachers struggle to manage classrooms.
Because CKH-1 presents so many transformational ideas and techniques, we encourage schools to reinforce these methods to maintain momentum.
Solving the Challenge
Because Capturing Kids’ Hearts® 1 Training presents so many transformational ideas and techniques, we encourage schools to reinforce these methods to maintain momentum.
Process Champions Implementation Visit participants receive additional instruction to assist and support their peers, forming a Process Champions team on campus. The team helps their colleagues apply the CKH Process with greater fidelity, leading to transformation of the school’s culture and climate.
Participant Outcomes
The Process Champions team will learn to:
Mentor colleagues in implementing CKH concepts and skills
Respond to peers’ questions about how to handle specific student situations
Model key skills and behaviors
Support peers in developing their own self-managing groups
Key Facts
The Process Champions team should be selected carefully; teammates should be respected, influential teachers who embrace and model the CKH Process
Instructional sessions are designed for up to 30 people
Prerequisite: Capturing Kids’ Hearts® 1 Training, with at least 70% Capturing Kids’ Hearts implementation on campus
The Process Champions Implementation Visit occurs over two consecutive days, with an hour for lunch each day:
Format 1: Two days with Process Champions team, in two separate groups (avoids substitution issues) for instructional session
Format 2: Two days with Process Champions team. Day one is with the entire team for instructional session and day two is in classrooms doing walk-throughs, etc.
Day One: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Day Two: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Your organization can schedule private bookings and is responsible for providing a location conducive to adult learning.