Building on the acclaimed Capturing Kids’ Hearts® 1 Training (CKH-1), this professional development experience is an opportunity to revisit and reinforce the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Process and foundational skills.
Revisiting and Reinforcing Foundational Skills
Teachers Face a Formidable Challenge
They must raise the bar on student performance while competing against social, environmental, and outside pressures as never before. While researchers and district personnel work to determine the most effective curricula, teachers struggle to manage classrooms.
Solving the Challenge
Effective implementation of any new skill requires the commitment of adequate time and support, enabling teachers and administrators to practice until a high level of proficiency is attained.
Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Recharged is available as an in-service, participatory experience for anyone who has completed CKH-1. Capturing Kids’ Hearts Recharged experiences are designed to reinforce the vital skills and processes that teachers and administrators must master to permanently transform the culture and climate of their classrooms, campuses, and districts.
Participant Outcomes
Capturing Kids’ Hearts Recharged is an immersive, participatory experience. Teachers, staff, and administrators learn and practice skills they will use and model in their classrooms, schools, and districts, including:
The widespread impact of Capturing Kids’ Hearts reads like a wish list for school administrators. Schools that implement our processes report:
How to build meaningful, productive relationships with students and colleagues
How to use the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® EXCEL Model™ to create a safe, effective environment for learning
How to develop self-managing, high-performing classrooms using team-building skills and a Social Contract
High payoff techniques for dealing with conflict, negative behavior, and issues with disrespect
When school administrators provide ongoing support for teachers using the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Process, the entire school grows a sense of loyalty and enthusiasm for learning.
When Capturing Kids’ Hearts Recharged is combined with a systemic approach, our research-based process improves the five key indicators of school performance: fewer discipline referrals, improved attendance, higher student achievement, lower dropout rates, and higher teacher satisfaction. Campuses implementing with fidelity have experienced:
Strengthened student connectedness to others by enhancing healthy bonds with teachers
Consistent rules of conduct, with reduced disciplinary escalations and referrals
Dramatic reduction in truancy and dropouts
Reduced negative behaviors like isolation, violence, and substance use
Significant improvement in student academic performance
District-wide improvements in test scores
Higher rate of job satisfaction among teachers
Increased teacher retention and improvement in teacher recruiting
Capturing Kids’ Hearts Recharged fuels the transformational, multi-year process for teachers and administrators at the campus or district level.
We look forward to serving you.
Key Facts
Capturing Kids’ Hearts Recharged is designed to meet the needs of individual campuses where the majority (at least 80%) of faculty, staff, and campus-level administrators have attended CKH-1
We recommend a minimum of 6 weeks of actual classroom implementation
Session can accommodate up to 60 people and is designed to be scheduled on a yearly basis
Optional: one-on-one Campus Traction Visit
Session occurs in a single half-day
Minimum of two hours; maximum of 3 ½ hours
If applicable, additional one-on-one Campus Traction Visits can be customized in three one-hour blocks (three hours total)
Your school is responsible for providing a location conducive to adult learning