Capturing Kids’ Hearts® District By Design is a transformational, multi-year process for campus-level administrators and teachers that dramatically elevates the academic and behavioral standards of students and campuses on a large scale.
Superintendents Face a Formidable Challenge
They must raise the bar on student performance while competing against social, environmental, and outside pressures as never before. They must empower campus leaders to consistently implement proven processes that create a healthy, high-performing learning environment throughout the district.
Solving the Challenge
Implementing the Capturing Kids’ Hearts® (CKH) Process strengthens students’ connectedness to others through enhancing healthy bonds with teachers and establishing consistent rules of conduct.
District By Design provides carefully sequenced training, consulting, coaching, mentoring, and continuing support that builds district-wide skill mastery of the CKH Process through modeling, practice, and reinforcement. This systemic process is working in hundreds of districts across the country to help administrators and teachers achieve success.
Participant Outcomes
When our research-based process is implemented systemically and with fidelity, leaders experience improvement in the five key indicators of school performance: fewer discipline referrals, improved attendance, higher student achievement, lower dropout rates, and higher teacher satisfaction.
The results of systemic CKH implementation include:
Strengthened student connectedness to others by enhancing healthy bonds with teachers
Consistent rules of conduct, with reduced disciplinary escalations and referrals
Dramatic reduction in truancy and dropouts
Reduced negative behaviors
Significant improvement in student academic performance.
District-wide improvements in test scores
Higher rate of job satisfaction among teachers
Increased teacher retention and improvement in teacher recruiting
When school administrators provide ongoing support for principals and teachers in District By Design, the process infuses the entire district with a sense of loyalty, belonging, and enthusiasm for learning.
District By Design includes:
Capturing Kids’ Hearts® 1 Training
Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Process Champions Implementation Visit
Traction Visits, based on the size of your district
CKH Campus Premium and CKH District Premium Subscriptions
Additional options:
Capturing Kids’ Hearts® 2 Training
Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Coaching Greatness Training
Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Leadership Blueprint Training
Leadworthy® Courses
Additional training and curriculum are available for leaders, teachers, coaches, and students
We look forward to serving you.
Key Facts
Faculty, staff and campus-level administrators
Services will occur over the course of one school year
Your district is responsible for providing a location conducive to adult learning